Σύνολο: Βρέθηκαν 73 αποτελέσματα.
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Amount of grant : € 50.000,00 (€ 25.000,00 as partner)
Ref. num.: Support of Research & Innovation Infrastracture – MIS 5002495
Project duration : 2014-2020
Funding organization : Partnership Agreement (PA) 2014-2020 “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation”/Development of Mechanisms to Support Entrepreneurship – MIS 5002495 / WASTE-6a-2015 Eco-innovative solutions
Amount of grant : € 3.899.712,50 (€ 57.506,00 as partner)
Συμμετοχή της Υποψ. Διδάκτορος Έλενας Κούτρα στο πρώτο training School “Microalgae based processes: upstream and downstream’’.
Λισαβόνα (Πορτογαλία), 9 – 11 Νοεμβρίου 2016
Στο σεμινάριο συμμετείχαν 19 Υποψ. Διδάκτορες από 15 Χώρες της Ευρώπης.
Ακολουθείστε το σύνδεσμο και μείνετε ενημερωμένοι για τις εξελίξεις!: http://eualgae.eu
Διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά
Kornaros M., Zafiri C. and Lyberatos G. (1996) “Kinetics of denitrification by Pseudomonas denitrificans under growth conditions limited by carbon and/or nitrate or nitrite”, Water Environment Research, 68, 934-945 (doi: 10.2175/106143096X127947).
Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (1997) “Kinetics of aerobic growth of a denitrifying bacterium, Pseudomonas denitrificans, in the presence of nitrates and/or nitrites”, Water Research, 31(3), 479-488 (doi: 10.1016/S0043-1354(96)00288-6).
Liakou S., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. (1997) “Pretreatment of azo dyes using ozone”, Water Science and Technology, 36(2-3), 155-163 (doi: 10.1016/S0273-1223(97)00383-1).
Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (1998) “Kinetic modelling of Pseudomonas denitrificans growth and denitrification under aerobic, anoxic and transient operating conditions”, Water Research, 32(6), 1912-1922 (doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(97)00403-X).
Zafiri C., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (1999) “Kinetic modelling of biological phosphorus removal with a pure culture of Acinetobacter sp. under aerobic, anaerobic and transient operating conditions”, Water Research, 33(12), 2769-2788 (doi: 10.1016/S0043-1354(98)00522-3).
Zissi U., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (1999) “Kinetics of p-aminoazobenzene degradation by B.subtilis under denitrifying conditions”, Water Environment Research, 71(3), 323-331 (doi: 10.2175/106143098X121770).
Katsogiannis A.N., Kornaros M.E., and Lyberatos G.K. (1999) “Adaptive optimization of a nitrifying Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)”, Water Research, 33(17), 3569-3576 (doi: 10.1016/S0043-1354(99)00084-6).
Georgiou C.D., Zervoudakis, G., Tairis N., and Kornaros M. (2001) “β-Carotene production and its role in sclerotial differentiation of Sclerotium rolfsii”, Fungal Genetics and Biology, 34(1), 11-20 (doi: 10.1006/fgbi.2001.1285).
Katsogiannis A.Ν., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. (2002) “Long-term effect of cycle time and aerobic/anoxic phase ratio on nitrogen removal in a Sequencing Batch Reactor”, Water Environment Research, 74(4), 324-337 (doi: 10.2175/106143002X140080).
Fountoulakis M.S., Dokianakis S.N., Kornaros M.E., Aggelis G.G. and Lyberatos G. (2002) “Removal of phenolics in olive mill wastewaters using the white rot fungus Pleurotus Ostreatus”, Water Research, 36(19), 4735-4744 (doi: 10.1016/S0043-1354(02)00184-7).
Liakou S., Zissi U., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. (2003) “Combined chemical and biological treatment of azo-dye containing wastewaters”, Chemical Engineering Communications, 190 (5-8), 645-661 (doi: 10.1080/00986440302108).
Marazioti C., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. (2003) “Kinetic modeling of a mixed culture of Pseudomonas denitrificans and Bacillus subtilis under aerobic and anoxic operation conditions”, Water Research, 37(6), 1239-1251 (doi: 10.1016/S0043-1354(02)00463-3).
Drillia P., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. (2003) “Wastewater Treatment from a Motor-Oil Reforming Company Using a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)”, Water Science and Technology, 47 (10): 25-32.
Katsogiannis A.N., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. (2003) “Enhanced Nitrogen Removal in SBRs Bypassing Nitrate Generation Accomplished by Multiple Aerobic/Anoxic Phase Pairs”, Water Science and Technology, 47 (11): 53-59.
Stamatelatou K., Frouda C., Fountoulakis M.S., Drillia P., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (2003) “Pharmaceuticals and health care products in wastewater effluents: the example of carbamazepine”, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 3 (4), 131–137.
Lyberatos G., Klimantos P., Vassilakis I. and Kornaros M. (2004) “On the impact of land application of secondary sludge”, Water, Air & Soil Pollution : Focus (WAFO), 4 (4-5), 349-357 (doi: 10.1023/B:WAFO.0000044810.38944.ff).
Dokianakis S.N., Kornaros M.E. and Lyberatos G. (2004) “On the effect of pharmaceuticals on bacterial nitrite oxidation”, Water Science and Technology, 50 (5) 341-346.
Drillia P., Dokianakis S.N., Fountoulakis M.S., Kornaros M.*, Stamatelatou K. and Lyberatos G. (2005) “On the occasional biodegradation of pharmaceuticals in the activated sludge process: the example of the antibiotic sulphamethoxazole”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 122(3), 259-265 (doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2005.03.009).
Dokianakis S.N., Kornaros M.E.* and Lyberatos G. (2006) “Effect of wall growth on the estimation of kinetics for nitrite oxidizers in a CSTR”, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 93(4), 718-726 (doi: 10.1002/bit.20758).
Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G. (2006) “Biological treatment of wastewaters from a dye manufacturing company using a trickling filter”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 136, 95–102 (doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2005.11.018).2
Dokianakis S.N., Kornaros M.E.* and Lyberatos G. (2006) “Impact of five selected xenobiotics on isolated ammonium oxidizers and on nitrifying activated sludge”, Environmental Toxicology, 21(4): 310-316 (doi: 10.1002/tox.20199).
Schmidt J.E., Christensen N., Batstone D.J., Trably E., Lyberatos G., Stamatelatou K., Kornaros M., Metzger L., Amellal N., Watson J., García K., Ayuso S. and Patureau D. (2006) “Safe recycling of sewage sludge on agricultural land – BIOWASTE”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 84(B4): 253-257 (doi:10.1205/psep.05168).
Kornaros M.E.*, Dokianakis S.N. and Lyberatos G. (2006) “Sensitivity analysis of a biofilm model describing mixed growth of nitrite oxidizers in a CSTR”, Water Science and Technology, 53(12), 313–320 (doi:10.2166/wst.2006.436).
E. Mantzavrakos, M. Kornaros*, G. Lyberatos and P. Kaspiris (2007) “Impacts of a marine fish farm in Argolikos Gulf (Greece) on the water column and the sediment”, Desalination, 210, 110-124 (doi:10.1016/j.desal.2006.05.037).
Vlachos P., Kampioti A., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (2007) “Development and evaluation of alternative processes for sterilization and deodorization of cork barks and natural cork stoppers”, European Food Research & Technology, 225, 653–663 (doi: 10.1007/s00217-006-0461-3)
Pakou C., Stamatelatou K.*, Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G.* (2007) “On the complete aerobic microbial mineralization of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS)”, Desalination, 215, 198-208 (doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2006.11.020).
Vlachos P., Kampioti A.*, Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (2007) “Matrix Effect during the application of a rapid method using HS-SPME followed by GC/ECD for the analysis of 2,4,6-TCA in wine and cork soaks”, Food Chemistry, 105, 681–690 (doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2006.12.056).
Dokianakis S.N., Fountoulakis M.S., Kornaros M.E., and Lyberatos G. (2007) “Biological treatment of sewage from ships in a Sequencing Batch Reactor”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16 (12 A), pp. 1608-1615.
Georgiopoulou Μ., Abeliotis K., Kornaros M., G. Lyberatos* (2008) “Development of a decision-supporting tool for the selection of Best Available Technology for industrial wastewater treatment”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 17 (1), 111-121.
Ntaikou I., Gavala H.N.*, Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (2008) “Hydrogen production from sugars and sweet sorghum biomass using Ruminococcus albus”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33 (4), 1153-1163 (doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2007.10.053).
Antonopoulou G., Stamatelatou K., Venetsaneas N., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (2008) “Biohydrogen and methane production from cheese whey in a two – stage anaerobic process”, Industrial & Engineering (I&E) Chemistry Research (IND. ENG. CHEM. RES.), 47 (15), 5227–5233 (doi:10.1021/ie071622x).
Kornaros M.*, Marazioti C. and Lyberatos G. (2008) “A Pilot Scale Study of a Sequencing Batch Reactor treating municipal wastewater operated via the UP-PND process”, Water Science and Technology, 58 (2) 435-438 (doi:10.2166/wst.2008.366).
Pakou C., Kornaros M.*, Stamatelatou K. and Lyberatos G. (2009) “Οn the fate of LAS, NPEOs and DEHP in municipal sewage sludge during composting”, Bioresource Technology, 100 (4) 1634–1642 (doi:10.1016/ j.biortech.2008.09.025).
Dareioti M.A., Dokianakis S.N., Stamatelatou K., Zafiri C. and Kornaros M.* (2009) “Biogas production from anaerobic co-digestion of agroindustrial wastewaters under mesophilic conditions in a two-stage process”, Desalination, 248 (1-3) 891-906 ( doi:10.1016/j.desal.2008.10.010).
Zafiri C., Marazioti C.E., Kornaros M., Angelopoulos K. and Lyberatos G. (2009) “The deterioration of the environmental state of the shallow Koutavos lagoon in Kefalonia, Greece”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 18 (6), 935-947.
Ntaikou I., Kourmentza C., Koutrouli E., Stamatelatou K., Zampraka A., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (2009) “Exploitation of olive oil mill wastewater for combined bio-fuels and biopolymers production”, Bioresource Technology, 100 (15), 3724-3730 (doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2008.12.001).
Kourmentza C., Ntaikou I., Kornaros M* and Lyberatos G. (2009) “Production of PHAs from mixed and pure cultures of Pseudomonas sp. with short chain fatty acids as carbon source under nitrogen limitation”, Desalination, 248 (1-3), 723-732 (doi:10.1016/j.desal.2009.01.010).
Venetsaneas N., Antonopoulou G., Stamatelatou K., Kornaros M., Lyberatos G. (2009) “Using cheese whey for hydrogen and methane generation in a two-stage continuous process with alternative pH controlling approaches”, Bioresource Technology, 100 (15), 3713-3717 (doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2009.01.025).
Blika P.S., Stamatelatou K., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (2009) “Anaerobic digestion of olive mill wastewater”, Global NEST Journal, Vol 11, No 3, pp 364-372.
Ntaikou I., Koutros E. and Kornaros M. (2009) “Valorization of wastepaper using the fibrolytic/hydrogen producing bacterium Ruminococcus albus”, Bioresource Technology, 100 (23), 5928-5933 (doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2009.06.019).
Kourmentza C., Mitova E., Stoyanova N., Ntaikou I. and Kornaros M.* (2009) “Investigation of PHAs production from acidified olive oil mill wastewater (OOMW) by pure cultures of Pseudomonas sp. strains”, New Biotechnology, 25, Supplement 1, S269 (doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2009.06.604).
Dareioti M.A., Dokianakis S.N., Stamatelatou K., Zafiri C. and Kornaros M.* (2010) “Exploitation of olive mill wastewater and liquid cow manure for biogas production”, Waste Management, 30 (10), pp. 1841-1848, (doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2010.02.035).
Marazioti C.E., Flessia G., Vlachos P., Koutrouli E., Ntaikou I., Antonopoulou G., Pakou C., Kalfas C., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (2010) “On the Environmental State of the Mesologgi lagoon in Greece”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19 (6), pp. 1151-1164.
Koutsopoulou E., Papoulis D., Tsolis-Katagas P., Kornaros M. (2010) “The behavior of clay minerals used in sanitary landfills as retenders of organic and inorganic pollutants”, Applied Clay Science, 49 (4), pp. 372-382 ( doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2010.05.004).
Kornaros M.*, Dokianakis S.N. and Lyberatos G. (2010) “Demonstration that the slow response of nitrite oxidizing bacteria to periodic anoxic disturbances is responsible for partial nitrification/denitrification”, Environmental Science & Technology, 44 (19), pp. 7245-7253 (doi: 10.1021/es100564j).
Kiparissis S., Fakiris E., Papatheodorou G., Geraga M., Kornaros M., Kapareliotis A. and Ferentinos G. (2011) “Impact of illegal trawling on a Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadow in Zakynthos island (Greece). Possible trends of ecological substitution“, Biological Invasions, 13 (3), pp. 669-678 (doi: 10.1007/s10530-010-9858-9).
Danellakis D., Kornaros M., Ntaikou I., and Dailianis S. (2011) “Olive oil mill wastewater toxicity in the marine environment: alterations of stress-indices in tissues of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis”, Aquatic Toxicology, 101 (2), pp. 358-366. (doi:10.1016/ j.aquatox.2010.11.015).
Vavouraki A.I., Angelis E.M. and Kornaros M.* (2013) “Optimization of thermo-chemical hydrolysis of kitchen wastes”, Waste Management, 33, pp 740–745. (doi:10.1016/ j.wasman.2012.07.012).
Tsintavi E., Pontillo N., Dareioti M.A., Kornaros M.* (2013) “Ozone pretreatment of olive mill wastewaters (OMW) and its effect on OMW biochemical methane potential (BMP)”, Water Science and Technology, 68(12), pp.2712-2717. (doi: 10.2166/wst.2013.560).
Vavouraki A.I., Volioti V. and Kornaros M.* (2014) “Optimization of thermo-chemical pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of kitchen wastes”, Waste Management, 34, pp. 167–173. (doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2013.09.027).
Dareioti M.A., Vavouraki A.I. and Kornaros M.* (2014) “Effect of pH on the anaerobic acidogenesis of agroindustrial wastewaters for maximization of bio-hydrogen production: A lab-scale evaluation using batch tests”, Bioresource Technology, 162, pp. 218-227. (doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2014.03.149).
Dareioti M.A. and Kornaros M.* (2014) “Effect of Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) on the anaerobic co-digestion of agro-industrial wastes in a two-stage CSTR system”, Bioresource Technology, 167, pp. 407–415. (doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2014.06.045).
Dareioti M.A. and Kornaros M.* (2015) “Anaerobic mesophilic co-digestion of ensiled sorghum, cheese whey and liquid cow manure in a two-stage CSTR system: Effect of hydraulic retention time”, Bioresource Technology, 175, pp. 553–562. (doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2014.10.102).
Zagklis D.P., Vavouraki A.I., Kornaros M.E. and Paraskeva C.A. (2015) “Purification of Olive Mill Wastewater Phenols through Membrane Filtration and Resin Adsorption/Desorption”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 285, pp. 69–76 (doi: /10.1016/j.jhazmat.2014.11.038).
Kourmentza C., Ntaikou I., Lyberatos G. and M. Kornaros (2015) “Polyhydroxyalkanoates from Pseudomonas sp. using synthetic and olive mill wastewater under limiting conditions”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 74, pp. 202–210 (doi: /10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2014.12.032).
Siorou S., Vgenis T.T., Dareioti M.A., Vidali M.S., Efthimiou I., Kornaros M., Vlastos D. and Dailianis S. (2015) “Investigation of olive mill wastewater (OMW) ozonation efficacy with the use of a battery of selected ecotoxicity and human toxicity assays”, Aquatic Toxicology, 164, 135-144. (doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.04.017)
Scoma A., Bertin L., Reis M.A.M., Kornaros M., and Coma M. (2016) "Multipurpose, Integrated 2nd Generation Biorefineries", BioMed Research International, Article ID 4327575, 2 pages (doi: 10.1155/2016/4327575).
Stavropoulos K.P., Kopsahelis A., Zafiri C. and Kornaros M.* (2016) “Effect of pH on Continuous Biohydrogen Production from End-of-Life Dairy Products (EoL-DPs) via Dark Fermentation”, Waste and Biomass Valorization (WAVE) (doi:10.1007/s12649-016-9548-7).
Κεφάλαια σε Βιβλία
“Pyrolysis and Gasification” in the book “Solid Waste Management”, G. Lyberatos and C. Tsiliyannis, University of Patras’ Publications, 1998.
“Materials and Environment”, Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, University of Patras’ Publications, 2003.
«Laboratory Exercises for the course “Materials and Environment”», Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, University of Patras’ Publications, 2004.
Lyberatos G., Gavala H., Skiadas I., Kornaros M., Stamatelatou K. and Angelopoulos K. “Biological production of hydrogen from waste and biomass”, chapter 21 in the book “Resource Recovery and Reuse in Organic Solid Waste Management”, eds. P. Lens, B. Hamelers, H. Hoitink and W. Bidlingmaier, IWA Publishing, p.441-454, London, UK, 2004.
Vlachos P., Kampioti A., Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G.* “Development of novel processes for sterilization and deodorization of natural cork stoppers”, chapter in the book 'Advances on Bioprocessing in Food Industries', Ed. A. Koutinas, ASIA Tech PUBLISHERS, New Delhi, 2007.
Kourmentza C., Koutra E., Kornaros M. “Valorization of olive mill wastes towards sustainable biofuels and bio-based products” chapter in the book 'Microbial Reservoirs’, Eds. V.C. Kalia and P. Kumar, Integrative Biotechnology Book Series, Springer, 2015.
Διεθνή Συνέδρια
Kornaros M., Zafiri C., and Lyberatos G. “Modeling and optimization of denitrification under carbon source limited growth”, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece, 6-9 September 1993, vol A, 357-370. (Oral presentation).
Zafiri C., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Biological phosphorus removal using a pure culture of Acinetobacter sp.”, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece, 4-7 September 1995, vol A, 85-96.
Lyberatos G., Kornaros M., Zafiri C. and Zissi U. “Modelling and optimization for environmental biotechnology”, OECD Workshop Amsterdam ‘95 on Wider Application and Diffusion of Bioremediation Technologies, 19-21 November 1995, p309-322.
Tsiliyannis C., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. “MSW Landfills in Greece”, Symposium on Swedish Landfill Research, 15-18 January 1996. (Poster presentation).
Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Comparison of alternative configurations for denitrification” IAWQ 18th Biennial International Conference, Singapore, 23-28 June 1996. (Poster presentation).
Zafiri C., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Effect of anaerobic/aerobic fraction on the phosphate and carbon removal efficiency of a biological phosphorus removing SBR system”, IAWQ 18th Biennial International Conference, Singapore, 23-28 June 1996. (Poster presentation).
Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Kinetic modelling, simulation and optimization of alternative configurations for denitrification”, Protection and Restoration of the Environment III, Proceedings of an International Conference, Chania, Greece, 28-30 August 1996, 197-205. (Oral presentation).
Melcon J. C., Kornaros M., Zissi U. and Lyberatos G. “Kinetic Modelling of Bacillus subtilis growth and denitrification under transient operating conditions”, 1st European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science, Dublin City, 19-21 September 1996. (Poster presentation).
Kornaros M., Tsiliyannis C., Zafiri C. and Lyberatos G. “Adaptive Optimization of Microbial Growth Processes in a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)”, 1st European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science, Dublin City, 19-21 September 1996. (Poster presentation).
Liakou S., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Pretreatment of azo dyes using ozone”, 2nd Specialized Conference on Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters (IAWQ), Athens, Greece, 16-18 October 1996, 315-322.
Kornaros M., Zafiri C., Fragopoulu, N., Koutsikopoulos C. and Lyberatos G. “Monitoring and evaluation of key ecological parameters of the Koutavos lagoon at Kefalonia (Greece)”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece, 1-4 September 1997, vol. B, 466-474.
Tsiliyannis C., Kavadas C., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. “Comparative assessment of solid waste treatment and disposal technologies and sites for Attica”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Molyvos, Lesvos, Greece, 1-4 September 1997, vol. A, 138-145.
Katsogiannis A.N., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Adaptive optimization of a nitrifying Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)”, IAWQ 19th Biennial International Conference, Vancouver Canada, 21-26 June 1998. (Poster presentation).
Katsogiannis A.N., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Long-term effect of cycle time and aerobic/anoxic phase ratio on nitrogen removal in a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)”. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Pythagorion Samos, 30 August – 2 September 1999, vol. C, 253-260.
Avrabou A., Pastrouma Z., Tseremegli O., Angelopoulos K., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Study of the influence of the azo-dye Orange II on physiological parameters of the plant Coleous sp. L. in the prospect of development of an industrial wastewater treatment system based on plants”. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Pythagorion Samos, 30 August – 2 September 1999, vol. C, 391-397.
Tsiligiannis C., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. “Comparison of alternative solid waste management schemes for the Athens Metropolitan area”, 2nd International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste, 15 - 18 June 1999, Barcelona, Spain. (Poster presentation).
Liakou S., Zissi U., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Combined chemical and biological treatment of azo-dye containing wastewaters”, 2nd Conference for Collaborative Research in Eastern Mediterranean, 20 – 24 May 2001, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Dokianakis S., Fountoulakis M, Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G “Biological treatment of black ship wastewaters using SBR technology”, International Conference on Shipping: Technology and Environment, 10–12 September 2001, Piraeus, Hellas (Oral presentation).
Marazioti C., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Kinetics of denitrification by a mixed culture of Pseudomonas denitrificans and Bacillus subtilis”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Ermoupolis Syros, 3 – 6 September 2001, vol. B, 588-595 (Oral presentation).
Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Βiological treatment of wastewaters from a dye manufacturing company using a trickling filter”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Ermoupolis Syros, 3 – 6 September 2001, vol. C, 217-225 (Poster presentation).
Frounda K., Zissi U., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Biological treatment of textile waste water in an aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Ermoupolis Syros, 3 – 6 September 2001, vol. C, 84-88 (Poster presentation).
Katsogiannis A., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Enhanced Nitrogen Removal in SBR's Through Avoidance of Nitrate Generation Accomplished by Multiple Aerobic/Anoxic Phase Pairs” oral presentation to the IWA 3rd World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 7-12 April, 2002, executive summaries “a unique approach to a unique environment”, paper e21344a, p. 385.
Drillia P., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Wastewater treatment from a motor oil reforming company using a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)” oral presentation to the IWA 3rd World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 7-12 April, 2002, executive summaries “a unique approach to a unique environment”, paper e21166a, p. 342.
Frouda C., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Impact of pharmaceuticals on the activated sludge process”, poster presentation to SETAC Europe, 12th Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 12-16 May 2002.
Marazioti C., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Kinetic modeling of SBR operation for biological nitrogen removal”, oral presentation, proceedings of IWA Regional Symposium on Water Recycling in Mediterranean Region, Iraklio, Crete, 26-29 September 2002, 217-223.
Stamatelatou K., Frouda C., Fountoulakis M.S., Drillia P., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. (2002) “Pharmaceuticals and health care products in wastewater effluents: the example of carbamazepine” oral presentation as ‘keynote presentation’, proceedings of IWA Regional Symposium on Water Recycling in Mediterranean Region, Iraklio, Crete, 26-29 September 2002, 203-210.
Lyberatos G., Klimantos P., Vassilakis I. and Kornaros M. “On the impact of land application of secondary sludge” oral presentation to the conference ‘Protection and Restoration of the Environment VI’, Skiathos Island, Greece, 1-5 July 2002, Proceedings of the International Conference, vol. II, 961-968.
G. Lyberatos, K. Stamatelatou, M. Kornaros, P. Drillia, S. Dokianakis, C. Frouda, and M.S. Fountoulakis “Impact and fate of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole in wastewater treatment and disposal” oral presentation toEMCC-3, 3rd Chemical Engineering Conference for Collaboration Research in Eastern Mediterranean, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-15 May 2003 .
Dokianakis N., Kornaros M.E., Stamatelatou, K. and Lyberatos G. “On the effect of pharmaceuticals on bacterial nitrite oxidation”, Ecohazard 2003, Aachen, Germany 14-16, (2003).
Marazioti C., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Impact of the feed fraction of an SBR-system in the nitrification-denitrification process”, poster presentation, proceedings of the 8th Conference on Environmental Science αnd Technology, Lemnos – Greece, 1-3 September 2003, p.520-526.
K. Stamatelatou, S.N. Dokianakis, M. Fountoulakis, C. Frouda, M.E. Kornaros and G. Lyberatos “The effect of a common antibacterial pharmaceutical (triclosan) on biological wastewater treatment processes” oral presentation, proceedings of the 8th Conference on Environmental Science αnd Technology, Lemnos – Greece, 1-3 September 2003, p. 830-837.
S.N. Dokianakis, M. Fountoulakis, K. Frounda, M.E. Kornaros, G. Lyberatos and K. Stamatelatou “The effect of pharmaceuticals on biological processes”, ENVIRPHARMA, European conference on human and veterinary pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Lyon, France, 14-16 April 2003.
Katsogiannis A.N., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Effect of C:N ratio and type of organic carbon source to nitrogen removal in SBRs under conditions of bypassing nitrification and denitrification”, poster presentation, proceeding of the 9th IWA Specialised Conference “Design, Operation And Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants”, Praha, Czech Republic, 1st –4th September 2003, p.7-10.
Tsakarestos I., Kornaros M., and Lyberatos G. “Development of a computer model for integrated municipal solid waste management systems - MSWM”, oral presentation, International Conference “Protection and Restoration of the Environment VII”, Myconos, Greece, June 28 – July 1 2004.
Lyberatos G., Gavala H., Kornaros M., Stamatelatou K. and Angelopoulos K. “Biological production of hydrogen from waste and biomass” oral presentation in the EURO Summer School Programme “Biotechnology in organic waste management: from solid waste disposal to resource recovery”, June 29 - July 4, 2003, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Pakou C., Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G. “Fate of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) during composting”, oral presentation in the 1st International Conference on Engineering for Waste Treatment, WasteEng 2005, Albi, France, May 17-19 2005.
Schmidt J.E.*, Christensen N., Angelidaki I., Batstone D.J., Trably E., Lyberatos G., Stamatelatou K., Kornaros M., Metzger L., Ameall N., Watson J., García K., Ayuso S. and Patureau D. “Safe recycling of sewage sludge on agricultural land – BIOWASTE” oral presentation in the 1st International Conference on Engineering for Waste Treatment, WasteEng 2005, Albi, France, May 17-19 2005.
Kravaris C., Savvoglidis G., Kornaros M. and Kazantzis N. “Nonlinear reduced-order observer design for state and disturbance estimation” oral presentation in the Joint 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Control & 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (2005 ISIC-MED) , Limassol, Cyprus, 27-29 June, 2005, pp. 1321-1326.
Dokianakis S.N., Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G. “Experimental and modeling study of the impact of five different xenobiotics on bacterial ammonium oxidation” oral presentation in 12th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, Skiathos Island, Greece, 12-17 June 2005.
Dokianakis S.N., Kornaros M.E.* and Lyberatos G. “Effect of attachment of nitrite oxidizers to CSTR walls on the estimation of kinetic coefficients” poster & oral presentation in the IWA Specialized Conference-Nutrient Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes and Recycle Streams, Krakow, Poland, 18-21 September 2005, p.1179-1183.
Kornaros M.*, Pakou C., Stamatelatou K. and Lyberatos G. “Modelling of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) biodegradation kinetics during sewage sludge composting” poster presentation in the SETAC Europe – 15th Annual Meeting “ The Raison d'être of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry”, Lille, France, 22-26 May 2005.
Batstone D.J., Trably E., Christensen N., Patureau D., Stamatelatou K., Pakou C., Kornaros M., Lyberatos G., Schmidt J.E. “Assessing microbial potential for degradation of complex organic compounds” oral presentation in the SETAC Europe – 15th Annual Meeting “ The Raison d'être of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry”, Lille, France, 22-26 May 2005.
Pakou C., Kornaros M.*, Stamatelatou K. and Lyberatos G. “Fate of NPEO, DEHP and PAHs during composting of raw and anaerobically digested sludge” oral presentation in the in the SETAC Europe – 15th Annual Meeting “ The Raison d'être of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry”, Lille, France, 22-26 May 2005.
Dokianakis S.N., Kornaros M.E.* and Lyberatos G. “On the effect of pharmaceuticals on bacterial ammomium oxidation” poster presentation in the SETAC Europe – 15th Annual Meeting “The Raison d'être of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry”, Lille, France, 22-26 May 2005.
Zygouras G., Kornaros M.* and Angelopoulos K. “Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a tool for assessing the environmental performance of flour production in Greece” oral presentation in the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes Island, Greece, 1 – 3 September 2005, p.A1716-1721.
Ntaikou I., Gavala H.N., Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G. “Hydrogen production from sweet sorghum biomass using Ruminococcus albus” oral presentation in the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes Island, Greece, 1 – 3 September 2005, p.A1125-1130.
Dokianakis S.N., Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G. “On the effect of xenobiotics on bacterial nitrite oxidation” oral presentation in the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes Island, Greece, 1 – 3 September 2005, p.A311-316.
Mantzavrakos E., Kornaros M.*, Lyberatos G. and Kaspiris P. “Impacts of a marine fish farm in Argolikos gulf on the water column and the sediment” oral presentation in the 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes Island, Greece, 1 – 3 September 2005, p.A928-933.
Vlachos P., Kampioti A., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G., “Evaluation and development of a rapid method using headspace solid phase microextraction followed by GC/ECD for the analysis of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole in wine and cork samples”, oral presentation in the 4th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Modern Trends and Applications, 2 - 6 October 2005, Iraklion, Crete, GREECE.
Vlachos P., Kampioti A., Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G., “Development of alternative processes for the sterilization and deodorization of cork stoppers” oral presentation in the International Conference “Off-flavours in Wine and other Beverages: Origin, Detection & Control”, 23-25 November 2005, Tarragona, Spain.
Vlachos P., Kampioti A., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G., “Trace analysis of 2,4,6-tricholoanisole in wine, cork stoppers and cork barks using Headspace Solid Phase MicroExtraction followed by GC/ECD” oral presentation in the International Conference “Off-flavours in Wine and other Beverages: Origin, Detection & Control”, 23-25 November 2005, Tarragona, Spain.
Vlachos P., Kampioti A., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G.* “Development and evaluation of alternative processes for sterilization and deodorization of cork barks and natural cork stoppers” oral presentation to the 2nd International Congress on Bioprocesses in Food Industries (ICBF-2006), Patras, Greece, 18-21 June 2006.
Koutros E., Ntaikou I., Kornaros M.*, “Exploitation of waste paper for biological hydrogen production” poster presentation to the Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII, Chania, Crete, Greece, 3-7 July 2006.
Stamatatou S.I., Thlimmenou A.B., Vlachos P. and Kornaros M.* “Degradation of phenanthrene by ozonation in acetonitrile-water mixture” oral presentation to the 1st European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAAOP-1), Chania, Crete, Greece, 7-9 September 2006.
Blika, P.S., Constantinidou, G., Stamatelatou, K., Kornaros, M., Vayenas, D.V., Zervakis, G.I and Lyberatos, G., (2006) “Pretreatment of olive mill wastewater in a fungal trickling filter” In: Proceedings of the third International Conference “Water Resources In Mediterranean Basin”, WATNED 3, Tripoli, Lebanon, 1 - 3 November 2006.
Lyberatos G.*, Stamatelatou K., Fountoulakis M., Pakou C., and Kornaros M. “On the Fate of Xenobiotic Compounds during Alternative Methods of Municipal Sludge Treatment” oral presentation to The AICHE 2006 Annual Meeting, 12-17 November 2006, San Francisco, California, USA.
Lyberatos G.*, Kornaros M., and Marazioti C. “A Sequencing Batch Reactor Achieving Enhanced Nitrogen Removal from Municipal Wastewaters through Bypassing Nitrite Oxidation - a Pilot Scale Study” poster presentation to The AICHE 2006 Annual Meeting, 12-17 November 2006, San Francisco, California, USA.
Kornaros M.*, Marazioti C. and Lyberatos G. “Optimization of Biological Nitrogen Removal in a CSTR-cascade System” oral presentation to the 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 5 - 7 September 2007, Kos Island, Greece. Proceedings, p.A-694-700.
Kontoulis D., Katsieris K., Vlachos P. and Kornaros M.* “Effect of ozonation on table grapes preservation in cold storage” short oral and poster presentation to the European Congress on Chemical Engineering – 6, 16-21 September 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Barbafieri M., Tassi E., Hasko A., Harizai F., Shehu J. and Kornaros M. “Hg content in soil and in spontaneous plant species from the industrial PVC-factory located in VLORA (Albania)” oral presentation to the 1st Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), 24-28 June 2007, Skiathos, Greece.
Barbafieri M., Tassi E. and Kornaros M. “Microcosm tests on Hg contaminated soil” poster presentation to the 1st Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), 24-28 June 2007, Skiathos, Greece.
Tseronis C., Kookos I.K., Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G. “Optimum siting of a MSW treatment plant combined with a landfill for residues and optimum routing for wastes and residues transportation based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and GIS methodology” oral presentation to the 1st Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE), 24-28 June 2007, Skiathos, Greece.
Barbafieri M, Tassi E, Hasko A, Harizai F, Shehu J, Kornaros M (2007) Preliminary studies of a Hg contaminated area: metal availability and uptake by spontaneous plant species. In: Baltrenaite E (ed) Fate of pollutants in the plant/rhizosphere system: fundamental aspects and their significance for field applications—prospects and research needs, COST Action 859. VGTU Press Technica, Vilnius, pp 100–101.
Kornaros M.*, Dokianakis S.N. and Lyberatos G. “Performance of nitrite oxidizers (NOB) during anoxic to aerobic transitions” oral presentation in the 4th Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology IWA International Conference, April 7-10, 2008, Rome, Italy.
Vlachos P., Altoka E., Argyropoulos D., Karavatou I., Kozantos B. and Kornaros M.* “Chromatographic determination of 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole and Ochratoxin A in Greek raisins” oral presentation to the 5th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis - Modern Trends and Applications “IMA 2007”, 30 September – 4 October 2007, Patras, Greece.
Kornaros M.*, Marazioti C. and Lyberatos G. “A Pilot Scale Study of a Sequencing Batch Reactor treating municipal wastewater operated via the UP-PND process” accepted for oral presentation to the 8th specialised conference on small water & wastewater systems & 2nd specialized conference on decentralized water & wastewater international network , 6 - 9 February 2008, Coimbatore, India.
Ntaikou I., Koutros E., Kourmentza C., Gavala H.N., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. “Biohydrogen production from lignocellulosic feedstocks by the fibrolytic bacterium Ruminococcus albus” oral presentation to the 5th International Symposium of Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste & Energy Crops, 25-28 of May 2008, Hammamet, Tunisia.
Venetsaneas N., Antonopoulou G., Stamatelatou K., Kornaros M., Lyberatos G., “Production of hydrogen and methane from dairy wastewater in a two-stage anaerobic process” oral presentation to the 2nd International Conference on Engineering for Waste Valorisation, WasteEng08, 3-5 June 2008, Patras, Greece.
Karabelas A., Kornaros M. “On the design of a recycling program for source separated Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) in the case of a small Greek municipality” poster presentation to the 2nd International Conference on Engineering for Waste Valorisation, WasteEng08, 3-5 June 2008, Patras, Greece.
Kourmentza C., Koutrouli E., Ntaikou I., Stamatelatou K., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. “Exploitation of olive oil mill wastewater for combined bio-fuels and biopolymers production” oral presentation to the 2nd International Conference on Engineering for Waste Valorisation, WasteEng08, 3-5 June 2008, Patras, Greece.
Kourmentza C., Ntaikou I., Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G. “Production of PHAs from mixed and pure cultures of Pseudomonas sp. with short chain fatty acids as carbon source under nitrogen limitation” oral presentation to the Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX, 29 June - 3 July 2008, Kefalonia, Greece.
Blika P.S., Stamatelatou K., Kornaros M., G. Lyberatos “Anaerobic digestion of olive mill wastewater” oral presentation to the Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX, 29 June - 3 July 2008, Kefalonia, Greece.
Dareioti M.A., Dokianakis S.N., Stamatelatou K., Zafiri C. and Kornaros M.* “Integrated management of agroindustrial wastewaters in the cross-border Greek-Italian region – AGROENERGY. INTERREG IIIA / GREECE – ITALY 2000-2006” poster presentation to the Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX, 29 June - 3 July 2008, Kefalonia, Greece.
Marazioti C.E., Koza S., Kornaros M.*, “Life Cycle Assessment of two municipal WWTP configurations : oxidation ditch versus a 26-CSTR cascade system” oral presentation to the Protection and Restoration of the Environment IX, 29 June - 3 July 2008, Kefalonia, Greece.
Dareioti M.A., Dokianakis S.N., Stamatelatou K., Zafiri C. and Kornaros M.* “Exploitation of olive mill and dairy wastewater for biogas production through anaerobic co-digestion” oral presentation to the Second International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice 2008, Venice, Italy, 17 - 20 November, 2008.
Dareioti M.A., Dokianakis S.N., Stamatelatou K., Zafiri C. and Kornaros M.* “Methane production from anaerobic co-digestion of agroindustrial wastewaters under mesophilic conditions in a two-stage process” oral presentation to the 2nd conference “Small Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants”, 2-4 May 2008, Skiathos, Greece. Proceedings p.205-210.
Dermitzakis I., Marazioti C.E., Kravaris C., Kornaros M.* and Lyberatos G. “By-pass of nitrate production in a plug-flow reactor with recycling for biological nitrogen removal from municipal wastewaters” oral presentation to the 2nd conference “Small Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants”, 2-4 May 2008, Skiathos, Greece. Proceedings p.151-156.
Marazioti C.E., Flessia G., Vlachos P., Koutrouli E., Ntaikou I., Antonopoulou G., Pakou C., Kalfas C., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G., “On the Environmental State of the Mesologgi lagoon in Greece”, poster presentation at the 8th International Scientific Conference Sakharov Readings 2008: Environmental Problems of the XXIth Century, 22-23 May, 2008, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
G. Papatheodorou, E. Fakiris, M. Geraga, M. Patsourakis, A. Koutsodendris, G. Ferentinos, S. Kiparissis, A. Kapareliotis, M. Kornaros, C. Zafiri and D. Rallatos “Mapping of Posidonia Oceanica meadows using side scan sonar and ground trouthing techniques” oral presentation to the 33rd IGC International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 August, 2008.
Pakou C., Stamatelatou K., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. “On the removal of xenobiotics during the composting of different sludge types” oral presentation to the International Conference on Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle, XENOWAC 2009, 11 – 13 March 2009, Cyprus.
Kourmentza C., Ntaikou I., Kornaros M.* “Investigation of PHAs production from acidified olive oil mill wastewater (OOMW) by pure cultures of Pseudomonas sp. strains” poster presentation to the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology, 13-16 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Marazioti C., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. “A novel SBR system for biological nutrient removal” oral presentation to the IWA International Conference: “Balkans Regional Young Water Professionals”, Belgrade Serbia, 29-30 April 2010.
Kourmentza C., Vartzeli M., Ntaikou I., Kornaros M.* “Exploitation of olive oil mill wastewater for biopolymer (PHAs) production using an enriched microbial culture” oral presentation to the 7th International Conference ORBIT 2010 : Organic Resources in the Carbon Economy, June 29 – July 3 2010, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Skagia A., E. Mitova E., Ntaikou I., M. Kornaros “Investigation of carotenoids production from Dunaliella tertiolecta: effect of carbon source and environmental stress on growth and production of photosynthetic pigments” oral presentation to the Second International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, September 27-29, 2010, Mykonos, Greece.
C. Kourmentza, M. Kornaros* “Polyhydroxyalkanoate copolymers production from volatile fatty acids by an ‘enriched’ mixed culture : effect of initial pH on substrate consumption and product formation” oral presentation to the Second International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health , September 27-29, 2010, Mykonos, Greece.
Danellakis D., Kornaros M., Ntaikou I. and Dailianis S.* “Olive oil mill wastewater toxicity in the marine environment: alterations of stress-indices in tissues of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis” oral presentation to the Second International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, September 27-29, 2010, Mykonos, Greece.
Dareioti M., Dokianakis S.N., Zafiri C. and Kornaros M* “Enhancement of biogas production by using a two-stage process for the anaerobic digestion of cheese whey” oral presentation to the Seventh International Conference Linnaeus ECO-TECH´10, 22-24 November 2010, Kalmar, Sweden.
C.V. Chrysikopoulos, I.D. Manariotis, V. Sygouni, A. Vantarakis, A. Argiriou, H.K. Karapanagioti, J. Vakros, M. Kornaros, C.A. Paraskeva, and S. Dailianis “Interuniversity Network For Biocolloid Fate And Transport In Environmental Systems “BIOMET” oral presentation to the Protection and Restoration of the Environment X -PRE10, 5-9 July 2010, Corfu, Greece.
Ntaikou I., Senkevich S., Koutros E., Kornaros M. and Lyberatos G. “On the exploitation of lignocellulosic biomass for biohydrogen production using the bacterium Ruminococcus albus” oral presentation to the Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice 2010, Venice, Italy, 8 - 11 November, 2010.
Kourmentza C. and Kornaros M.* “Effect of carbon source on polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis by an ‘enriched’ mixed culture submitted to alternating aerobic dynamic feeding” oral presentation to the 1st International Conference on Advances in Industrial Microbial Biotechnology (AIMB 2010), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 November 2010.
Vavouraki A., Dareioti M. and Kornaros M*”An experimental ensilaging procedure and chemical pretreatment of Sweet Sorghum stalks for enhancing biofuels production” oral presentation to the Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium Sardinia 2011, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 3 - 7 October 2011.
Angelis E., Vavouraki A. and Kornaros M* ”Pretreatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (ofmsw) for biofuel production”, oral presentation to the Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2011), Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 3 - 7 October 2011.
Dareioti M., Vavouraki A. and Kornaros M* ”Effect of pH on the anaerobic acidogenesis of agroindustrial wastewaters for maximizing bio-hydrogen production” poster presentation to the Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2011), Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 3 - 7 October 2011.
Vavouraki A., Dareioti M. and Kornaros M ”Vermi-conversion of anaerobic sludges by Eisenia foetida earthworms” oral presentation to IWA Regional Conference on Wastewater Purification & Reuse (WWPR2012), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, March 28-30, 2012.
Vavouraki A., Dareioti M. and Kornaros M ”Polyphenols recovery and methane production from olive mill wastewater (OMW) in batch anaerobic methanogenesis” poster presentation to WasteEng 2012: 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Porto, Portugal, September 10 – 13, 2012.
Kourmentza C. and Kornaros M.* “Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) production from bacteria belonging to Pseudomonas genus using both synthetic and olive oil mill wastewater” oral presentation to WasteEng 2012: 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Porto, Portugal, September 10 – 13, 2012.
Dareioti M., Vavouraki A. and Kornaros M* ”Εffect of organic loading rate on the anaerobic co-digestion of agroindustrial wastes in a two-stage system” oral presentation to CRETE 2012 - 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Chania (Crete, Greece), September 12-14, 2012.
Kourmentza C. and Kornaros M.* “Polyhydroxyalkanoates production from an ‘enriched’ mixed culture using volatile fatty acids: effect of different C/N ratios” oral presentation to the 15th European Congress on Biotechnology “Bio-crossroads”, 23-26 September 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
Dareioti M., Stavropoulos K., Vavouraki A., Kornaros M “Effective biohydrogen production from a mixture of agroindustrial wastes and sweet sorghum stalks” oral presentation to the Fourth International Symposium on Energy From Biomass and Waste (VENICE 2012), San Servolo, Venice (Italy), 12-15 November, 2012.
Vavouraki A. and Kornaros M “Preliminary study on optimization of chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis of kitchen wastes” poster presentation to the Fourth International Symposium on Energy From Biomass and Waste (VENICE 2012), San Servolo, Venice (Italy), 12-15 November, 2012.
Dareioti M., Vavouraki A., Kornaros M “Assessment of methane production from typical Western Greece agro-industrial wastes” submitted for oral presentation to the 13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2013), Athens (Greece), 5-7 September 2013.
Pontillo N., Tsintavi E., Dareioti M.A., Tsarpali V., Dailianis S., Kornaros M. “Ozone pretreatment of olive mill wastewaters (OMW) coupled with anaerobic digestion” oral presentation to the 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: Recovering (bio) Resources for the World, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 25-28 June, 2013.
Zakoura M., Kopsahelis A. and Kornaros M. “Assessing the performance of high-rate anaerobic reactors treating three-phase olive mill wastewater (OMW)” oral presentation to the 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: Recovering (bio) Resources for the World, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 25-28 June, 2013.
Dareioti M.A. and Kornaros M. “A comparative study on methanogenesis of agrowastes mixtures: Effect of substrate type and initial concentration” poster presentation to the 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion: Recovering (bio) Resources for the World, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 25-28 June, 2013.
Dareioti M.A., Vavouraki A., Kornaros M* “Effect of hydraulic retention time in two-stage co-digestion of ensiled sorghum, cheese whey and cow manure” oral presentation to the 5th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng14), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24–28 Aug., 2014.
Stavropoulos K.P., Kopsahelis A., Zafiri C., Kornaros M* “Valorization of end-of-life dairy products via co-digestion with agroindustrial wastes for biogas production” oral presentation to the 5th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng14), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24–28 Aug., 2014.
Kopsahelis A., Zafiri C. and Kornaros M.* “Gate-to-gate LCA analysis of biosurfactants and bioplasticizers production via biotechnological exploitation of fats and waste oils” poster presentation to the V International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste (VENICE 2014), Island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy. 17-20 November 2014.
Vgenis T.T., Kopsahelis A., Dareioti M.A., Zafiri C., Kornaros M.* and Manios T. “Anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge with olive mill wastewater or cheese whey” oral presentation to the V International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste (VENICE 2014), Island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy. 17-20 November 2014.
Dareioti M.A., Vgenis T.T., Vavouraki A., Kornaros M.* “Anaerobic biodegradability of typical organic agro-wastes in Western Greece” oral presentation to the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (ATHENS2014), Athens, 12th–14th June 2014.
Tsigkou K., Kotoulas A., Kopsahelis A. and Kornaros M* “Development of a high-rate thermophilic anaerobic UPBR reactor for the treatment of three-phase olive mill wastewater (OMW) ” oral presentation to the International Conference on Industrial Waste & Wastewater Treatment & Valorization (IWWATV), Athens, 21- 23 May 2015.
Stavropoulos K.P., Kopsahelis A., Zafiri C. and Kornaros M* “Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of End-of-Life Dairy Products’ (EoL-DPs) management in Cyprus, via their energetic valorization through anaerobic co-digestion with agro-industrial wastes” oral presentation to the International Conference on Industrial Waste & Wastewater Treatment & Valorization (IWWATV), Athens, 21- 23 May 2015.
Stavropoulos K.P. and Kornaros M* “Effect of pH on continuous biohydrogen production from a mixture of End-of-Life Dairy Products (EoL-DPs)” oral presentation to the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (TINOS2015), Tinos island, Greece, 2–4 July 2015.
Koutra E., Kopsahelis A., Zafiri C., Kornaros M., Kadena, K., Bratskas, R., Anagnostopoulos, T., Nitodas, S. and Lopez, J.A. “DELOS: an e-learning training platform for the operation and management of biogas production plants” poster presentation to the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (TINOS2015), Tinos island, Greece, 2–4 July 2015.
Andreadakis D., Kornaros M., Gavalakis E. and Andreadakis A.* “Health and environmental effects of hexavalent chromium and evolution of relevant legislation” oral presentation to the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, CEST2015, Rhodes, Greece, 3-5 September 2015.
Koutra E., Grammatikopoulos G., Kornaros M. “Probing the photosynthetic efficiency of green microalgae used for bioremediation and valorization of anaerobic digestion effluents” poster presentation to the International Meeting “Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability-2015” in honor of George C. Papageorgiou, Crete, Greece, 21-26 September 2015.
Tsigkou K., Stavropoulos K., Kopsahelis A., Zafiri C., Kornaros M.* “Anaerobic co-digestion of End-of-Life dairy products with agroindustrial wastes in a mesophilic pilot-scale two-stage digester – Assessment of system performance” poster presentation to the New Horizons in Biotechnology, Trivandrum, India, 22-25 November 2015.
Tsigkou K., Kopsahelis A., Kornaros M.* “Hydrodynamic performance of a high-rate upflow packed bed anaerobic bioreactor” poster presentation to the International Conference on Advances in Bioprocess Technology, Tiruvalla, Kerala, India, 26-28 November 2015.
Kopsahelis A., Kornaros M. “High-rate anaerobic digestion of three-phase Olive Mill Wastewater (OMW) in a two-stage anaerobic filter” accepted for oral presentation to the 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation – WASTEENG16, Albi, France, 23-26 May 2016.
Koutra E., Grammatikopoulos G., Kornaros M. “Growth of green microalgae in anaerobic digestion effluent for nutrient recovery and lipids production” accepted for oral presentation to the 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorization – WASTEENG16, Albi, France, 23-26 May 2016.
Charmpi K., Makridis P., Kornaros M., Dailianis S. “Application of a battery of bioassays for assessing the effects of MWTP effluents on the aquatic biota” submitted for oral presentation to the SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting, Nantes, France, 22-26 May 2016.
Ref. num.: BMP1/2.2/2131/2017
Project duration :2014-2020
Funding organization : Cooperation Programme Interreg V-B Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020
Amount of grant : € : 800.250,07 (€ 137.091,18 as partner )
Project duration : 5/2016 - 5/2019
Funding organization : EU –ERANET MED
Amount of grant : € 844,698.22 (€ 98,000 as partner)
Το ΕΒΙΜΗΤΕΠ είναι άρτια εξοπλισμένο και έχει αναπτύξει την απαραίτητη μεθοδολογία και τις τεχνικές που απαιτούνται για το φυσικοχημικό και μικροβιολογικό χαρακτηρισμό (προεπεξεργασία και ανάλυση) δειγμάτων υγρών και στερεών αποβλήτων, πόσιμου και θαλασσινού νερού, την ανάπτυξη και βελτιστοποίηση βιοτεχνολογικών και περιβαλλοντικών διεργασιών και αντιδραστήρων. Ειδικότερα περιλαμβάνονται:
Αναλυτικός εξοπλισμός
Εξοπλισμός για τη μελέτη βιοτεχνολογικών διεργασιών
Εξοπλισμός για τη μελέτη περιβαλλοντικών διεργασιών
Υποστηρικτικός εργαστηριακός εξοπλισμός
Πιλοτικές διατάξεις
Funding organization : Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs/O.P. “Education and Lifelong Learning”/Action “Archimedes III: Support of research groups in TEI”
Amount of grant : € 75,000 (€ 11,250 as partner)
Ref. num.: LIFE10 ENV/CY/000721
Project duration : Feb. 2011 – Sep. 2015
Funding organization : EU - LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2010
Amount of grant : € 1,426,840 (€ 380,000 as partner)
Web Site
Το Εργαστήριο Βιοχημικής Μηχανικής & Τεχνολογίας Περιβάλλοντος (ΕΒΙΜΗΤΕΠ) ιδρύθηκε το 1990 με σκοπό τη διεξαγωγή έρευνας και παροχή εκπαίδευσης στο αντικείμενο της ανάπτυξης, σχεδιασμού, μαθηματικής μοντελοποίησης και βελτιστοποίησης βιοχημικών διεργασιών με εφαρμογή στην παραγωγή βιοτεχνολογικών προϊόντων υψηλής προστιθέμενης αξίας και στην επεξεργασία και αξιοποίηση υγρών αστικών και βιομηχανικών αποβλήτων. Η έρευνα στο ΕΒΙΜΗΤΕΠ καλύπτει ένα ευρύ φάσμα αντικειμένων που περιλαμβάνουν από βασική έρευνα των κύριων μηχανισμών που λαμβάνουν χώρα στις μελετώμενες βιοχημικές διεργασίες έως το σχεδιασμό και βελτιστοποίηση βιοδιεργασιών σε βιομηχανική κλίμακα. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίνεται σε βιολογικές αλλά και συνδυασμένες (βιολογικές – φυσικοχημικές) διεργασίες για την αφαίρεση των θρεπτικών συστατικών αζώτου και φωσφόρου (αφαίρεση νιτρογενών ουσιών από υγρά απόβλητα, συσσώρευση σε φυσικά οικοσυστήματα, κύκλος αζώτου και φωσφόρου στη φύση), την απομάκρυνση ξενοβιοτικών ουσιών από τα υγρά απόβλητα και την ολοκληρωμένη επεξεργασία αγροτοκτηνοτροφικών και βιομηχανικών αποβλήτων. Ειδικότερα, αναπτύσσονται καινοτόμες τεχνολογίες αλλά και μέθοδοι ολοκληρωμένης διαχείρισης για την επεξεργασία και αξιοποίηση διαφόρων τύπων αγροτοκτηνοτροφικών αποβλήτων, γεωργικών και οργανικών υπολειμμάτων και ενεργειακών φυτών με ταυτόχρονη παραγωγή προϊόντων υψηλής προστιθέμενης αξίας (π.χ. βιοπλαστικών, βιοεπιφανειοδραστικών ουσιών κ.ά) ή/και ενέργειας μέσω της παραγωγής αερίων και υγρών βιοκαυσίμων, όπως μεθάνιο, υδρογόνο, βιοαιθανόλη κ.ά.
Παράλληλα χρησιμοποιούνται σύγχρονα περιβαλλοντικά εργαλεία και τεχνικές, όπως η Ανάλυση Κύκλου Ζωής (Life-Cycle Analysis, LCA) για την εκτίμηση των περιβαλλοντικών επιπτώσεων κατά την ανάπτυξη νέων βιο-προϊόντων ή διεργασιών.
Η κ. Ελένη Κούτρα είναι μεταδιδακτορική ερευνήτρια στο Εργαστήριο Βιοχημικής Μηχανικής και Τεχνολογίας Περιβάλλοντος και ασχολείται με την έρευνα στον τομέα της Περιβαλλοντικής Βιοτεχνολογίας.
Ref. num.: MIS Code : 902020
Project duration : Nov. 2011 – Nov. 2015
Funding organization : European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece – Italy 2007-2013
Amount of grant : € 1,406,000 (€ 410,000 as partner)
Additional role : Project Coordinator
Web Site
Ref. num.: BSG-SME- Research for the benefit of SMEs No 286834
Project duration : Oct. 2011 – Sep. 2013
Funding organization : EU - FP7-SME-2011
Amount of grant : € 1,242,468 (€148,400 as partner)
Web Site
Ref. num.: CIP-EIP-Eco-Innovation-2010 No 277241
Project duration : Aug. 2011 – Jul. 2014
Funding organization : EU - CIP-EIP-Eco-Innovation-2010
Amount of grant : € 1,695,129 (€ 174,242 as partner)
Web Site
Ref. num.: “Vouchers for SMEs” – Code Num.: 28899470-01-000151
Project duration : June 2011 – Sep. 2011
Funding organization : Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs/O.P. “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship”/Action “Vouchers for SMEs”
Amount of grant : € 7,000