LBEET is very well equipped with all necessary techniques and apparatuses for carrying out physico-chemical and microbiological characterization of liquid or solid waste samples, potable or sea water as well as developing and optimizing biotechnological and environmental processes. LBEET facilities include:
Analytical equipment
- Gas chromatograph (GC) with ECD & NPD detectors (Agilent)
- Gas chromatograph (GC) with TCD & FID detectors (Agilent)
- High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) with ESI-QTOF-MS detector (Agilent)
- High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) with DAD, ELSD and fluorescence detector (Agilent)
- Ion chromatograph (DIONEX)
- Total organic Carbon (ΤΟC) and Total Nitrogen (TN) analyzer for liquid, solid and gaseous samples (Shimadzu)
- Atomic absorption spectrophotometer with graphite furnace (Shimadzu)
- Spectrophotometer UV-VIS (Cary 50, Varian)
- Spectrophotometer VIS (x2) (MACHEREY-NAGEL, HACH)
- Kjeldahl (TKN) and ammonium nitrogen analyzer (VELP)
- BOD analyzer (WTW)
- Extraction device using the Randall technique (VELP)
- FT-IR spectrometer (Iron-Diesel)
- Flash point measurement device (Iron-Diesel)
Equipment for studying biotechnological processes
- Laminar flow hood, class II (BIOAIR)
- Microscope VIS-fluoresence (NICON ECLIPSE)
- Freeze-dryer (Telstar, LyoQuest)
- Incubator (ΜΜΜ)
- Autoclave (RAYPA)
Equipment for studying environmental processes
- Ozone generator (ANSEROS)
- Ozone analyzer (x2) (ANSEROS)
- Lab-scale membrane modules UF and NF (2x) (Sartorious)
- Cascade system with 28 CSTR reactors for studying wastewater treatment using activated sludge
- Coupled anaerobic digesters for studying co-digestion of agro-wastes (x3)
Supporting laboratory equipment
- Ultra-pure water production system (18 MΩ cm) (TEMAK)
- Analytical scale 4 digits (Kern) and 2 digits (Kern)
- Muffle furnace (Nabertherm)
- Oven (x3) (ΜΕΜΜΕRT, Binder)
- Laboratory centrifuge (x2) (HERMLE & NUVE)
- Microwave digestion system (MARS 5, CEM)
- Sample digester (x3)(HACH, VELP, Electromantle)
- 6-position thermomantle(FALC)
- Orbital shaking water bath (x3) (GRANT)
- Magnetic stirrers (x15)
- Vortex stirrer (VELP)
- Portable multimeter (WTW)
- Portable gas analyzer (CH4, CO2, H2, NH3, H2S κ.ά) (GasData)
- pH meter (x2) (WTW, Consort))
- DO meter (x4) (WTW, HACH)
- pH-controllers (x3) (HACH)
- Piot-scale press for oil recovery from plant biomass (NOR-AG)
- Peristaltic pumps (x20) (Watson & Marlow, SEKO, Cole Parmer)
- Automatic wet-gas meters (x8)
- Automatic wet-gas meters (x2) (Ritter)
Pilot plants
- Pilot plant for using ozone for wastewater treatment and sterilization of solid samples
- Pilot plant for biodiesel production
- Trickling filter
- High-rate anaerobic digesters of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactors (UASB) and hybrid-type(x4)
- Fully automated and self-sustained pilot plant for integrated valorization of liquid and solid agroindustrial wastes (includes: 3 refrigerated feeding tanks , mixing tank, hydrolysis reactor, acidogenesis reactor, methanogenesis reactor, MBR/UF reactor, membrane modules of NF and RO, centrifugal separator, aerobic composter and vermin-composter, CHP for combined production of heat and electricity, gas chromatograph for biogas analysis etc)
- Life Cycle Analysis software (SimaPro 7)
- Simulator of biological & physicochemical processes (BioWin v.3.0)
- Simulator of wastewater treatment plants & processes (GPS-X v.5.0 Hydromantis Inc.)